Research on the rights and advantages of Iran radioactive workers protection acts compare it with other countries acts

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عنوان دوره: اولین دوره بین المللی و بیست و هشتمین دوره ملی (1400)
The Iranian unique Act of radiation protection was approved in 1989. In Article 20, special regulations were enacted four acts which are not provided in the law of other countries. These acts’ content prompted us to analyze them after 32 years implementation and suggest continuing their advantages and offer solutions to their problems. There are special regulations for radioactive workers based on the amount and potential radiation conditions of the workplace at discretion of legal unit and in accordance with the approved bylaws like reduction of the weekly working hours, increase of the annual paid, leave up to one month , Increase of the service duration up to one year for each year of work with radiation, extra payment and allowance for working with radiation up to 50% we compared the law of Malaysia, India and Turkey [1]. This article application should be applied to all radiologists without exception.
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