Burn-up Calculations and Optimization of BNPP’s Reactor Core with the New Generation Fuels (TVS-2M) by MCNP

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عنوان دوره: اولین دوره بین المللی و بیست و هشتمین دوره ملی (1400)
In recent years, many types of research focused on optimizing, modernizing, and developing the fuels for VVER-1000s.These researches lead to the improvement of construction quality of fuel pellets and fuel rods, improving the structure of fuel assemblies, achieving technology of using the zirconium in fuel assembly construction, and access to gadolinium uranium fuel production technology that achieve creating a new generation of fuel called TVS and then upgraded to TVS-2M.Using TVS-2M has lots of benefits such as burnup and cycle length increase in comparison with former fuel assemblies. So in the near future, there will be an interest in using this type of fuel in the VVER reactor for refueling. The results showed that the replacement of UTVS with TVS-2M FAs, in addition to increasing the length of the operation cycle from 289.6 to 338.7 days, can increase the cycle’s burn-up thus increasing the economic efficiency of the power plant.
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