Introducing the domestic multi-dimensional particle-in-cell code AZERAP

، صفحه 0-0 (1)
عنوان دوره: اولین دوره بین المللی و بیست و هشتمین دوره ملی (1400)
The domestic plasma modeling framework AZERAP is introduced and its capabilities in simulating the plasma based accelerators and intense beam-plasma interaction are discussed. AZERAP is developed based on the fully kinetic, electromagnetic relativistic PIC algorithm. It is implemented in the object oriented language C++ and utilizes the Message Passing Interface (MPI) for parallelization. The main idea behind the development of AZERAP has been establishing a software platform for virtual plasma laboratory. Achieving this goal has implied (1) attaining high functionality in introducing the input problem, (2) supporting abstraction of the field and plasma structures/modules, and (3) supporting high flexibility for future developments. The present first beta-release of AZERAP paws the way toward these objectives. Moreover, it offers a very comfortable user experience with code compile, debugging execution, data accusation and data animation, simulating plasma based accelerators.
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