Monte Carlo simulation of muon interactions in Mini-IRAND segmented detector using FLUKA code

، صفحه 0-0 (1)
عنوان دوره: اولین دوره بین المللی و بیست و هشتمین دوره ملی (1400)
It is well-known reactor antineutrino detectors are vulnerable to incoming cosmic muons because they could produce signals that may be incidentally classified as genuine neutrino events. Iranian Reactor Anti-Neutrino Detector (IRAND) is a segmented plastic scintillation assembly designed to detect reactor antineutrino particles. This paper reports on a Monte Carlo simulation study of an early version of this detector (mini-IRAND) using FLUKA code. The research would report on the distribution of energy deposition and the variations of an optical light collection concerning space and time in different segments of IRAND. The central segment (cell 22) could be assumed as the main detector cell surrounded by other cells. As an example of the whole detector behavior, its response to muons with 80 MeV incoming energy will be reported. This study shows that the simulated signal has two distinct peaks, similar to the time distribution of a neutrino inverse beta decay event.
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