Investigation on the Coincidence Doppler Broadening ratio curve of well-annealed Copper

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عنوان دوره: اولین دوره بین المللی و بیست و هشتمین دوره ملی (1400)
A two-dimensional coincidence technique is carried out to suppress the background for exploring the contribution of positron annihilation with core electrons. The spectrometer is composed of two face-to-face HPGe detectors. To test the performance of the system, the Coincidence Doppler Broadening (CDB) ratio curve of pure Copper is investigated. Aluminum is considered as a reference sample due to its simple electronic structure. The element-specific CDB signature of Copper shows the two peaks around 12.8×10-3m0c and 19×10-3 m0c at the ratio curve which are dependent on the momentum of Fermi electrons. The presented ratio curve is compared with the reference measurement and simulation. Differences in the reported ratio curves are discussed. The comparison shows that our result is more compatible with the theoretical calculations and can be considered as a new reference for future studies on the chemical environment of defects in alloys that include Copper in its contents.
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