Characterization of scattering and penetration in lofthole and pinhole collimators: comparison of Tc-99m and I-123 SPECT
، صفحه 0-0 (1)
عنوان دوره: اولین دوره بین المللی و بیست و هشتمین دوره ملی (1400)
Image quality and quantitative accuracy in SPECT are mainly affected by collimator penetration and scattering, particularly for high-energy imaging. Lofthole has been proposed to address the problem. In this research, the GATE Monte Carlo simulator was performed to calculate edge penetration and scattering in pinhole and lofthole collimators using a point source of Tc-99m and I-123. The scattering and penetration factors are then compared. The results show that penetration and scattering are a function of the photon energy. The scattering and penetration in the pinhole aperture are 4.7% and 1.3% higher than those of lofthole aperture, respectively, for I-23 SPECT. Similar trends are also obtained for the Tc-99m SPECT. Furthermore, the lofthole collimator presents a higher sensitivity than the pinhole collimator (0.019 versus 0.015 for the I-123 SPECT). In conclusion, the lofthole collimator offers superior performance and therefore can be the collimator of choice for high-quality SPECT imaging.
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